Archive for March 2011
Untuk Aktifkan Microsoft Office 2007 Trial Version Evaluasi
Maaf sebelumnya tutorial ini berbahasa inggris dikarenakan saya sekolah di SMP SBI jadi harap maklum.
tutorial ini membahas tentang cara mengaktifkan office yang biasanya trial cuma 60 hari...
Most suites or programs of Microsoft Office 2007 allows user to evaluate the product. The trial version of 2007 Microsoft Office system can be installed by using a 25-character trial product key available from Microsoft while you download the free Office software, and you can use the Microsoft Office 2007 suite or program with full functionality for 60 days.
You may have the Office 2007 CD and are able to install Office 2007 without entering product key. However, Office 2007 will work in reduced functionality mode, where it’s effectively just a viewer for Office documents. Beside, if you forget the trial product key, or don’t wish to register a Windows Live ID to get the trial key, here’s the trick to activate Office 2007, or more correctly, bypass the activation of Office 2007 60 days trial, and making the “trial” word disappear from the Office title at the top and suppress activation and trial expiry prompt.
Note that to use Microsoft Office 2007 beyond 60 days trial period, you need to purchase a valid license for it, available from Amazon
or most computer retail store.
To use this hack to crack activation on Office 2007, you need to install Office 2007 without any serial number or product key. If you have installed Office 2007 with a product key or serial number, do the following to clean remove Office 2007 of product key:
Note: The hack may work for 60 days only. To make this hack fully working, try to delete additional file below, probably has to be deleted every two months:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\opa12.dat
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA (for Windows 7 and Vista)
Disclaimer: This article is for educational and informational purpose only.
tutorial ini membahas tentang cara mengaktifkan office yang biasanya trial cuma 60 hari...
Most suites or programs of Microsoft Office 2007 allows user to evaluate the product. The trial version of 2007 Microsoft Office system can be installed by using a 25-character trial product key available from Microsoft while you download the free Office software, and you can use the Microsoft Office 2007 suite or program with full functionality for 60 days.
You may have the Office 2007 CD and are able to install Office 2007 without entering product key. However, Office 2007 will work in reduced functionality mode, where it’s effectively just a viewer for Office documents. Beside, if you forget the trial product key, or don’t wish to register a Windows Live ID to get the trial key, here’s the trick to activate Office 2007, or more correctly, bypass the activation of Office 2007 60 days trial, and making the “trial” word disappear from the Office title at the top and suppress activation and trial expiry prompt.
Note that to use Microsoft Office 2007 beyond 60 days trial period, you need to purchase a valid license for it, available from Amazon
To use this hack to crack activation on Office 2007, you need to install Office 2007 without any serial number or product key. If you have installed Office 2007 with a product key or serial number, do the following to clean remove Office 2007 of product key:
- Close all Microsoft Office applications.
- Run Register Editor by clicking on Start -> Run, and then type “regedit” in the Open box and press Enter key.
- Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Registration
Note that inside the registry key, there should be another subkey that resembles the following:
- If there is more than one registry entries or subkeys that reference Microsoft 12.0 registration, open up each subkey, and then identify the product by the ProductName value data until you locate the subkey for the product which you want to remove the existing product license key. For example:
ProductName=Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007
ProductName=Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007
- Once found the correct registry subkey, delete the following values: DigitalProductID
- Close Registry Editor.
- In Windows Explorer, brose to the following folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\Proof.en\
- Right click on Proof.XML file, select “Open With…” in the right click menu.
- In the “Open With” window, select Notepad to be used to open the XML file. In Vista, if you can’t see the Notepad option, simply double click the “Other Programs” to unhide it.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Proof.XML to locate the following lines: </Feature> <Feature Id=”SetupXmlFiles” Cost=”1248″>
<OptionRef Id=”AlwaysInstalled”/>
- Change the AlwaysInsalled to neverInstalled so that the line looks like following: <OptionRef Id=”neverInstalled”/>
- Save the Proof.xml file. In Windows Vista, you may need to take ownership and grant full access permission to yourself before able to modify the file.
- You can now launch Microsoft Office 2007 application such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and etc without prompting for activation.
Note: The hack may work for 60 days only. To make this hack fully working, try to delete additional file below, probably has to be deleted every two months:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\opa12.dat
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA (for Windows 7 and Vista)
Disclaimer: This article is for educational and informational purpose only.
Cara Menghapus Virus shortcut Tanpa AntiVirus
Sangatlah menjengkelkan jika komputer kita terkena serangan virus. Apalagi sekarang ini yang lagi trend aalah Virus Shortcut. Virus ini termasuk kedalam golongan virus .vbs. Walaupun virus ini tidak begitu berbahaya, namun kita juga harus tetap waspada karena virus ini akan mengakibatkan kerja komputer menjadi berat. Virus ini dengan cara membuat file ” autorun.inf, dekstop.ini, fanny.bmp, thumb.db, serta file shortcut yang berextensi .lnk “ pada setiap drive dan folder. semakin banyak Folder didalam komputer kita, maka akan semakin banyak pula shortcut yang dibuat oleh virus ini.
Langkah-langkah untuk mencegah atau paling tidak menguranginya adalah sebagai berikut ;
- Matikan terlebih dahulu System Restore pada semua drive ( My Computer, Properties, System Restore, beri centang pada Turn off System Restore on All Drives
- Matikan proses “wscript.exe” (Task manager. services, wscript.exe, klik kanan pada wscript exe, end process/end process tree)
- Buka windows explorer, klik menu “Tool” lalu pilih “Folder Option”, selanjutnya pada tab “View” klik “Show hidden files and folders”, hilangkan tanda contreng pada “Hide extensions for known file types” dan hilangkan juga tanda contreng pada Hide protected operating system files. Klik OK.
- Klik tombol “Search”, Klik All Files and Folders, Pada bagian All or part of the file name ketik : Autorun.inf, pada bagian Look in klik “My Computer”, lalu beri centang semua pada bagian More Advanced Options lalu hapus semua file yang telah ditemukan.
- Setelah Proses pada No. 4 selesai, lakukan proses sama seperti No. 4. Tapi pada kolom All or Part of the file name di isi dengan Dekstop.ini. Hapus juga file ini.
- Setelah Proses pada No. 5 selesai, lakukan proses sama seperti No. 4. Tapi pada kolom All or Part of the file name di isi dengan *.lnk >>>( LNK bukan ink ). Hapus juga file ini. tapi kamu harus hati-hati jangan sampai salah menghapus, Ciri dari shortcut folder yang dibuat oleh virus yaitu ketika kita menunjuk folder tersebut maka akan muncul link dari shortcut tersebut yaitu ke arah windows/system32, itu adalah shortcut yang harus kita hapus
Cheat Battle Realms
Hai sobat blogger sekalian..
laaaamaaaaa banget aq ga share lagi di bog q ini..
saya sekarang akan share tentang cheat battle realms..
setelah gooogling cukup lama..
akhirnya saya menemukan juga cheat ini.
dijamin para penggemar battle realms pada ketagihan mengenai ni sofwer.
langsung aja ..
tampilannya user-friendly koq, seperti ini :
langsung aja kalau mau download DISINI (mediafire), (ukuran file sekitar 18 MB)
laaaamaaaaa banget aq ga share lagi di bog q ini..
saya sekarang akan share tentang cheat battle realms..
setelah gooogling cukup lama..
akhirnya saya menemukan juga cheat ini.
dijamin para penggemar battle realms pada ketagihan mengenai ni sofwer.
langsung aja ..
tampilannya user-friendly koq, seperti ini :
langsung aja kalau mau download DISINI (mediafire), (ukuran file sekitar 18 MB)
Tag :
cheat / trainer,